Fiji Program Support Facility


The Fiji Program Support Facility (the Facility) was established in 2017 to support Australia’s delivery of education, health, governance and emergency preparedness and response programs in Fiji, as well as the scholarships and education programs in Tuvalu.  Originally a 5-year commitment, the Facility was extended in January 2022 for a further 3 years for sectoral programs in Fiji and administration Australia Awards in Fiji and Tuvalu on behalf of the Australian Government.


The Facility provides an overarching structure through which the Australian Government coordinates its development relationship with the Governments of Fiji and Tuvalu.   The Facility model offers value for money through operational efficiencies and promotes coherence across programs.

Alongside this, accelerated lesson learning and application of cross cutting themes drives greater development impact and effectiveness.  In particular, the Facility seeks to strengthen program outcomes by better addressing the needs of targeted beneficiaries including those who are often marginalised.   More-over, the Facility has dedicated staff who ensure that all programs integrate gender, disability and broader social inclusion principles which is vital when working to address access to services for marginalised and vulnerable communities.

Key sectors supported by the Australian Government and implemented by the Facility:

Health:   Supporting the Ministry of Health and Medical Services (MHMS) to improve equitable access, safety, quality and coverage of health services, especially for Fiji’s most vulnerable and marginalised, including responding to COVID-19 and roll-out vaccines as well as reforming public health services, increasing access to quality, safe and patient focused clinical services, and driving efficient management of the health system.

Education:  Supporting the Ministry of Education, Heritage, and Art’s strategic priorities of literacy and numeracy, special and inclusive education, strengthening systems and policies and generating research based evidence.  Helping to improve the quality of learning for children, special and inclusive education, increase access to technical vocational skills, and improve the functioning of the education system and Department of Education in Tuvalu.

Governance: Providing responsive technical assistance to the Government of Fiji to help enhance economic and public sector governance, public financial management and service delivery.

Emergency preparedness and Response: supporting Fiji’s Ministry of Rural and Maritime Development and Disaster Management (MRMDDM), particularly the National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), to prepare for and respond to emergencies, such as cyclones and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Australia Awards: Providing scholarships through the Australia Awards program in priority sectors identified by the Fiji and Tuvalu governments and the private sector


Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)




2017 – ongoing


Head of Clients, Partnerships and Acquisitions


Head of Operations

For all delivery enquiries please contact:

Keith Tuckwell, Head of Clients, Partnerships and Acquisition, [email protected],


Melanie Reddaway, Head of Operations, [email protected]

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