
Producing digital learning resources to enhance education in Lao PDR

Advancing gender equality and education in Lao

Through the Australian government-funded program, Basic Education Quality and Access in Lao PDR, Tetra Tech is helping advance gender equality through digital innovation and technology tools by providing equipment and training to create and produce digital learning resources for teachers.

Producing digital learning resources to enhance education in Lao PDR

Photo supplied by BEQUAL

The Ministry of Education and Sports’ Information Media Centre (IMC) and E-Learning Unit teams are being trained in how to create high quality videos that promote gender equality and inclusive education and celebrate the best practices of outstanding women teachers. The videos are shared with the 33,000 primary teachers in Lao PDR, and other education sector stakeholders, via the Ministry of Education and Sports’ TV channel, website and a dedicated YouTube channel – “ວິດີໂອສຳລັບການພັດທະນາຄູ Teacher Development Videos – where they have achieved over 2.5 million views since 2019. In addition, the IMC and E-learning teams are champions of women’s empowerment, ensuring that women receive training and support to take up technical roles in filming teams, from script writing to camera work and editing.

Tetra Tech manages Basic Education Quality and Access in Lao PDR on behalf of the Australian Government.

This is republished from Tetra Tech International Development. Read the full article: Tech for Change: Helping Women and Girls Rise.



Contractor Representative, BEQUAL

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