
Working with i2i to deliver a workshop on Indigenous perspectives in the aid program

How can Australian aid incorporate indigenous Australian’s perspectives, expertise and knowledge to improve education outcomes for the children of one of Australia’s closest regional neighbours?

We were incredibly proud to jointly facilitate, with i2i Development Global, a two-day workshop with delegates from the Ministry of Education & Training, Vanuatu, the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s Vanuatu Education Support Program (VESP) and education specialists from i2i. Together we looked at new approaches to improving the quality, access and management of Vanuatu education, particularly at a school and community level.

MoET Director General, Bergmans Iati, played a leading role in guiding the discussions, providing all parties with a shared understanding of the way ahead.

It was a positive experience for everyone involved; participants uncovered family and community connections, shared lived experiences and together we established a pathway that will pilot a collaborative and authentic indigenous partnership within the aid program in the Pacific.

Profile image of Clyde Rigney Jr, he stands infront of a plain background and is wearing a business shirt with a V neck sweater over the top.

Director, Indigenous Consulting

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