
Evaluation of DFAT’s monitoring investment systems launched

In December the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Office for Development Effectiveness (ODE) published the evaluation of investment-level monitoring systems, which was conducted by members of an integrated Tetra Tech International Development and ODE team including Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice Lead Amy Gildea and Principal Consultant Melissa Kamp.

This evaluation considered the characteristics of DFAT better-practice investment monitoring systems for programs delivered by managing contractors, and which factors contribute to or inhibit better-practice.

Investment monitoring systems are at the foundation of DFAT’s aid management system and external accountability reporting. These systems have been developed over time to support a performance culture that generates realistic and robust information on the performance of the #AustralianAid program.

Tetra Tech’s RME team designs, manages and delivers complex, large-scale research projects across the world, specialising in high-quality independent evaluations and impact assessments. Our work helps organisations and governments to make better decisions and improve lives of people everywhere.

Read the evaluation at DFAT’s Office of Development Effectiveness

Read about Tetra Tech’s Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Practice.


Director, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation

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