Posts By: Tetra Tech Focus

The Lowy Institute launched an interactive Southeast Asia Aid Map

by Tetra Tech Focus • 29 June 2023
The Lowy Institute launched an interactive Southeast Asia Aid Map Improving aid efficiency in Southeast Asia requires better transparency and [...]

How can we make resilient infrastructure the standard?

by Tetra Tech Focus • 22 June 2023
How can we make resilient infrastructure the standard? Now is the time to invest Infrastructure is a key driver for [...]

Grayscale of two people holding hands

The importance of integrating disability inclusion in development efforts

by Tetra Tech Focus • 21 June 2023
The importance of integrating disability inclusion in development efforts Analysing disability inclusion approaches in education programs My name is Sally [...]

Key takeaways from the 2023 Humanitarian Leadership Conference: re-engineering the global disaster response system

by Tetra Tech Focus • 20 June 2023
Key takeaways from the 2023 Humanitarian Leadership Conference Re-engineering the global disaster response system Tetra Tech International Development Indo-Pacific representatives [...]

Silhouette of woman amongst trees facing into vibrant orange and red sunset

First Nation Women’s Voices are needed within The Women, Peace and Security agenda

by Tetra Tech Focus • 16 June 2023
First Nation Women's Voices are needed within The Women, Peace and Security agenda In a significant step towards advancing the [...]

Be a Voice for Reconciliation

by Tetra Tech Focus • 29 May 2023
Be a Voice for Reconciliation National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, [...]

The future of gender equality in Australia requires a systems-led intersectional approach

by Tetra Tech Focus • 8 May 2023
The future of gender equality in Australia requires a systems-led intersectional approach The Minister for Women recently launched a public [...]

Tuvaluan leaders are creating a future of equitable education

by Tetra Tech Focus • 4 May 2023
Tuvaluan leaders are creating a future of equitable education Australia and Tuvalu share a 30-year-strong diplomatic relationship with an enduring [...]

Tetra Tech International Development - Mitch Grummisch - Prince of Wales Award

Studying international policy through the Prince of Wales Award

by Tetra Tech Focus • 11 April 2023
Studying international policy through the Prince of Wales Award Mitch Grummisch is a recipient of the 2023 Prince of Wales [...]

Increasing women’s participation in STEM in Indonesia

by Tetra Tech Focus • 21 March 2023
Increasing women's participation in STEM in Indonesia Defying bias through participation in STEM Monita Wambrauw, image courtesy of Australia Awards [...]

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