Equality, inclusion and diversity are critical drivers of sustainable development and central to thriving people, thriving communities and a thriving planet.
In every community and context there is capacity for deeper inclusion and more equitable and just access to economic, political and social resources and opportunities.
For Tetra Tech International Development, inclusion is our end goal. We work for a world in which individuals and communities thrive within systems and structures where they belong because the systems and structures were designed with and for them.
The genuine and intersectional inclusion we seek when we refer to Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion – or GEDSI – requires ongoing justice and transformation processes:
- Justice recognises that structures and systems are not neutral and may cause harm that requires specific attention to address and deliberate effort to reform or rebuild harmful systems. We work for gender, racial, climate, economic, and social justice.
- Transformation is the process of identifying and reshaping the harmful gender roles, social norms and structures that cause exclusion and replacing them with roles, norms and structures that promote social justice and inclusion and support communities to thrive.
The name of our Inclusion, Justice and Transformation practice reflects our commitment to the ongoing justice and transformation processes that drive inclusion, and the connected and intersectional way we seek to drive lasting change.
Inclusion, justice and transformation goes beyond identifying and working with communities who experience marginalisation and represents our commitment to the ongoing processes of identifying and addressing injustice, and transforming harmful social roles and norms, and to create systems and structures that work for all.
Developing and delivering effective strategies for promoting equality, inclusion and diversity is fundamental to creating thriving communities, eliminating poverty, tackling climate change and to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
Working closely with our partners, Tetra Tech International Development addresses the intersecting social and demographic variables that drive exclusion and disadvantage in each context including gender, ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identify and expression and sex characteristics (SOGIESC), ethnicity, caste, religion, migration status and socio-economic status. We integrate gender, disability and social inclusion approaches and strategies across all our efforts, including our internal structures, policies and processes. We take a do-no-harm approach and are committed to two-way learning and building local capacity.
Using context-specific approaches, we deliver and manage projects that increase women’s, disabled peoples’ and contextually marginalized and minoritized peoples’ access to fair justice, political participation at all levels, economic opportunities, quality security services, education and healthcare.
Our teams help improve the delivery of government services to women, people with disabilities, and marginalised and minoritized groups, and work to give these groups a greater say in decisions that affect them. This includes supporting changes to government policies, laws and practices, and raising public awareness of issues affecting women, people with disabilities, and socially excluded groups, and working with communities to transform harmful norms and power structures.
Tetra Tech’s Inclusion, Justice and Transformation Consulting business works with clients and local partners to design, deliver and evaluate specific activities, actions and efforts that tackle the persistent challenges and barriers to inclusion that prevent people and from achieving their full potential. We also design and deliver strategies, GEDSI assessments and action plans, and capability building to drive inclusion.
At Tetra Tech, we develop, integrate and implement solutions that effectively address gender equality, disability and social inclusion in priority areas such as:
- Women’s leadership and voice
- Norm change, including men’s behaviour change and male advocacy
- Addressing and preventing gender based violence
- Inclusive economic empowerment
- Women, peace and security
- Private sector development and gender lens investing
- Infrastructure
- Education
- Governance
- Health
- Organisational development
- Agriculture and value chains.
Learn more about Tetra Tech’s US market work here and UK market work here.