Posts By: Tetra Tech Focus

Producing digital learning resources to enhance education in Lao PDR

by Tetra Tech Focus • 21 March 2023
Producing digital learning resources to enhance education in Lao PDR Advancing gender equality and education in Lao Through the Australian [...]

The digital gender divide: Improved access to education, technology, and innovation is required

by Tetra Tech Focus • 8 March 2023
The digital gender divide: Improved access to education, technology, and innovation is required The gender digital divide UN Women Australia’s [...]

Meet Thongsy Vatthanongsa, working to improve education for primary schools in Lao PDR

by Tetra Tech Focus • 6 March 2023
Meet Thongsy Vatthanongsa, working to improve education for primary schools in Lao PDR Meet Thongsy Vatthanongsa My name is Thongsy, [...]

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